Dual Title for Ch. Zareba on Broadway (Gretel)

Sunday, 30 October 2022

This weekend we attended the Hillsborough cluster of Newcastle Toy & All Breeds KC & Norther All Breeds KC shows. Gretel was only shown at two of the 5 shows, taking the bitch challenge on both occasions, r/up of breed at the first and another Neuter in Group at the last show. In doing so achieved Gretel achieved the final points towards her Neuter Championship title.
After only 13 shows with 7 x Neuter In Group, 3 x Runner-up Neuter in Group and 3 x Neuter In Show awards she can now be known as Ch. Neut.Ch. Zareba On Broadway (pending Dogs NSW).

Gretel will now take a short break from the show ring while we campaign her beautiful mum Ch. Zareba Floats Like a Butterfly's to her neuter title.